Many inspiring words have been written by the famous and not so famous alike, and we’ve included many of them in our broadcasts. If you’d like to peruse these at your leisure, or indeed would like to contribute some of your own, either ones you’ve discovered or written yourself, then the ‘Inspiring Thoughts’ and ‘Inspiring Quotes’ pages are just for you. At times, someones life, or a particular event within it, might act as an inspiration to us, helping us through a difficult situation or perhaps just making us aware how brave, self-sacrificing or challenging a person of faith can be. The ‘Inspiring Actions’ page is designed to relate stories such as these. Mum, dad, a family member, friend – from the ordinary believer in the street to the missionary, past or present, working in the most difficult and dangerous of situations – if there’s a glimmer of inspiration, we want to hear about it so that we and the world out there might be inspired too.
Please use our 'Be An Actuator' form to send us your files and info for these pages. Can we ask that your contributions be concise – just a paragraph or two for maximum effect.