If you've found benefit in listening to our Station or in reading our pages, or if you feel you like our aura, or agree with our aims . . . Then we'd like you to become an 'Actuator'. What is an Actuator? An actuator is someone who makes things happen. They don't just sit down and enjoy what they are doing. They get onto their feet and get others to enjoy what they're enjoying too. Being an Internet station we need you to help us get better known. Would you please consider:
- (a) Sharing us with your friends. Tell them about us and what we're up to. There's nothing more convincing than recommendations by word of mouth.
- (b) Emailing those in your Contacts list you think might like to know about us. Send them our links.
- (c) Distributing our Fliers and Cards in your area. You can download these links below), print them then pass them around. Alternatively use the Actuator form below and we can send you a bundle. Just tell us what you need, give us your name and adress and we'll do the rest.
- (d) Getting back to us. Use our blogs, Facebook, Twitter page , Actuator form, call us on Skype or our Message Line, to let us know how we're doing, where're getting it right and where we're getting it wrong. We need you to help us improve.
- (e) Telling us what you are doing as an 'Actuator'. (form below) We can then thank you and post these ideas and activities to show others what is happening and to perhaps give them ideas too.
What else would we like you to do?
- (a) Send in some of your positive thoughts, encouraging words or inspiring actions. You could do so in text, audio, video or image format.We would like to include them on our website, or where appropriate include them for broadcast.
- In our Actuator Form below we provide the option to upload files for submission. It's your Station and we want you to be as involved as you wish.
- (b) We're not looking for your money – but if you feel you want to identify with our Station and would like to contribute to the running of it, we've made available a PayPal link below for you to use.
- (c) Of course, the best thing you can do for us is keep listening!