The Benefits Of Adoption
Hi, just a word from me, Don Treader. I’m on tonight’s UCF programme (8.30pm) telling a bit about the desperate need for adoptive parents in the UK. 1 child goes into care every 22 minutes or so and there is definitely a need for foster parents, not only to help the system out, but to give love, meaning and care to the lives of these needy children.
When a little girl of 4 years old came into the lives of my wife and myself, she came in lock stock and barrel. A bundle of need and love with some challenging attributes too. We so much wanted to provide her with the love and care she needed. We probably hadn’t worked fully out how it would affect us. It meant a radical change in what we did, but you know something, it’s been worthwhile. To see her grow and respond daily is a wonderful thrill for us. There’s something else too – the giving is two ways, not just one. We’ve gained so muchfrom having her with us.
As a Christian I know this is how things work with God. There’s two way traffic in that relationship too. It’s not just getting from God all the time – although that’s how it tends to work out as He’s the Giving Partner. But by my openness, and willing responses to Him, I can actually please Him too. If He’s getting the delight my wife and I get from an appreciative adoptee then it’s totally worthwhile. For those looking to adopt or considering it, I can highly recommend it.
Please feel free to add your thoughts, experiences, comments to this blog. I’d love to hear from you.
If you miss the broadcast, the 2-part series on Adoption is available as a podcast on:
or listen on the Uplift Radio page on